Better Late Than Never?

Writing is hard.

Writing a series is especially hard.

I feel like the conspiracy theory meme trying to remember all of the plotlines and who is connected to what and what details I still have to write in. People who do this successfully just amaze me.

My cover was released and I posted it absolutely everywhere except for my blog, my now main source of news. I’m blaming exhaustion, since work and recovering from cellulitis/MRSA/a sinus infection for the last month (the sinus infection has only been less than a week, the others were a month long) and taking just about every antibiotic known to man has wiped me out. So let’s do this now! Here is the cover for Axis: Book Two of the Siren Tragedies—

This whole cover turned out even better than I expected, and I expected a really great cover, having worked with this artist and designer before. The bust is of Alexandros, the father of the main character, Telese, and the main antagonist of the story. For comparison, here is a picture of Hubris, with Telese as the focal point.

As you can see, there are quite a few differences in the presentation. Telese’s bust is broken, a reference to her broken life at the hands of her father. Meanwhile, Alexandros is whole, because he has always been able to determine his own life and the lives of his daughters and granddaughters. There is also the difference in lighting, with Telese’s being more subtle, not as harsh or striking as Alexandros’s. Of course, probably the most noticeable is the difference between the ivy growing around Telese—a feature I loved for the symbol of growth and stubborn resilience—and the brambles around Alexandros—a symbol of danger and the threat of pain.

Preorders are open for paperback copies of Axis here.

Hubris is available for print or e-book if you haven’t got your copy yet.
