A Sinus Infection? In This Economy?

I’ve been sick for a month with cellulitis and MRSA. I have been on so many different antibiotics, there should be nothing crawling around inside my body.

So HOW I managed to develop a sinus infection is beyond me.

Not ideal.

Anyway, I’ve been using HubSpot Academy for some ideas on how to successfully market both my books and help Balance of Seven Press in general. They are currently running an IndieGoGo to help cover the next round of books and recoup the cost for legal and moving fees to get out of Texas and into Vermont in light of anti-lgbtqia+ laws. (Campaign can be found here)

One thing I would love to do is talk to podcasts and vlogs about publishing with a small-press. A lot of people are intimidated by publishing because they feel their only two routes are traditional press—which is not author-friendly—or self-publishing—which is not always financially feasible for the everyday author. I, personally, love going through a small-press publisher, as the smaller release numbers mean more time spent on your book.

Speaking of which, I’m super excited to share my book cover with everybody on Monday! I don’t think I can put videos up here, so I can’t post the cute little video I made, but I’ll post the cover and commentary.
